Congratulations to faculty members at UCSF Fresno who were selected for the UCSF Center for Faculty Educators’ Teaching Scholars Program (TSP). Participation is by competitive application.
The TSP develops educational leaders and scholars through a rigorous program from September through June of each year. The program involves an intensive seminar series, mentored projects, a network of educational colleagues and collaborative learning. The program models goals set for learners, including providing a research base for content and exemplifying various teaching strategies selected to match the content. Participants should finish the program with a scholarly, peer-reviewed product.
The Class of 2017 includes the following faculty members at UCSF Fresno: Eyad Almasri, MD; Lynn Keenan, MD, and Stutee Khandelwal, MD, MPH. The Class of 2018 includes Loren Alving, MD; Mohammed Elhassan, MD; Ivance Pugoy, MD; and Sarah Stender, MD.
We are proud of these faculty and all UCSF Fresno TSP alumni, including Serena Yang, MD, MPH, interim chief of the Department of Pediatrics, for their commitment to innovation and excellence in medical education.