Wellness and Community

Who We Are

The UCSF Fresno Wellness and Community team aims to empower all members of our community to achieve a more balanced approach to their wellness by providing guidance, tools, and support. This is achieved by promoting seven elements of wellness: emotional, social, financial, career, environmental, and spiritual wellness.

UCSF Fresno Wellness and Community Goals:

  1. Programs and Services: Deliver innovative programs and services at the individual and community level that support the eight dimensions of wellness for UCSF Fresno community.
  2. Continuous Learning: Integrate evidence-based wellness practices into curricular education, research, and professional development.
  3. Sense of Community: Foster a safe, supportive, and inclusive environment.
  4. Communication and Collaboration: Build and maintain collaborative opportunities with campus and community partners to bolster wellness for UCSF Fresno Community



What's New

Registered UCSF Fresno Club Sites

Looking for a club to join during your time at UCSF Fresno? Visit this site to find information on creating, joining, and leading a club! 

UCSF Fresno Notary Services

Do you need a notary for any professional, university-related needs? Book an appointment with one of UCSF Fresno’s notaries and get this service done for free! Find the link to book here or on the LYLA app.  

For personal notary services, you may use LYLA. Please note: These services are not free.


Well-Being Algorithm for Trainees

Residents and Fellows: Need help, but are unsure where to start? View this collection of resources that makes it easy to navigate. 

Well-Being Index for Faculty and Learners

This online, validated self-screening tool is available for faculty and learners. This will help you better understand your overall well-being and areas of risk compared to other faculty and learners around the country. The tool is anonymous, and your scores are not shared with anyone at UCSF.