Ernesto Rodrigues


Rodriguez, MD

Bonita, CA

Medical School
Centro de Estudios Universitarios Xochicalco, Escuela de Medicina

Hobbies, facts, interests
I enjoy watching and playing soccer, spending time with friends and family, and exploring new restaurants with my wife.

Why Fresno?
Before interview season started I had already considered UCSF Fresno as my first choice for residency given the allure of staying in California to train in such a great program with a grand array of Pathology. The sense of community and camaraderie felt within the program ultimately reaffirmed my decision.

What are your other career interests?
I intend on pursuing a fellowship in gastroenterology & hepatology, and eventually an advanced endoscopy fellowship. Specifically, I am Interested in metabolic and bariatric endoscopy.

What are your research interests?
Gastroenterology & hepatology