Chung, MD
Fremont, CA
University of the Pacific
Medical School
UC Davis
Hobbies, facts and interests
I’m a pretty big nerd and love a good board game, video game, or anime. Hosting board game nights with friends is one of my favorite past-times. My fiancé and I also got into white water rafting on the American River a couple years ago. And while I’m not the stereotypical EM outdoorsy/backpacking type, I am down to go on a hike that involves a good amount of shade and maybe a waterfall at the end of it.
Why Fresno?
UCSF Fresno offers a rare blend of community, county, and academic training that made it the right program for me. The privilege to take care of a diverse and underserved patient population in a high-volume, high-acuity yet mission-driven Emergency Department will not only prepare me to practice anywhere but will also continue to drive my engagement in health policy and advocacy during and after residency. Additionally, during my interactions with the residents, it was refreshingly apparent that Fresno fosters an approachable and supportive culture which really stood out to me on the virtual interview trail. Lastly, Fresno is a great fit for my lifestyle with easy access to the outdoors, and the perfect distance from my family and my partner’s family in Northern and Southern California respectively. For all these reasons, UCSF-Fresno was my top choice for residency and I am beyond ecstatic to be training here!