Mark Dotseth


Dotseth, MD

Colorado Springs, CO

Loyola Marymount University

Medical School
Creighton School of Medicine

Hobbies, facts and interests
When I’m not in the hospital, you’ll find me enjoying the outdoors. I mostly enjoy biking, running, soccer, and skiing and hiking with my wife. My indoor interests include cooking (but mostly eating), reading, and casual walks around my second home, Home Depot. Fact or fiction: I only became a doctor so my initials could be MD M.D.

Clinically I am interested in medical education, wilderness medicine, global health and sports medicine.

Why Fresno?
I heard of UCSF Fresno’s unmatched reputation, and it was backed by all the amazing people I met along the interview trail. From patient acuity to the number of procedures, it was the most impressive program to me.

You also can’t beat the great access to mountains, beaches, and plenty of other outdoor places to explore.